Tuesday 24 July 2012

Parálisis cerebral

It is a muscle disorder causes severe restrictions not progressive moderate throughout life. This condition manifests as a group of motor disorders of high quality in young children due to the brain damage during birth or several pathological situations in intrauterine. the problems are multiple but not progressive Neuroligical. approximately 2 per 100 live births is the question. This disease is not a world heritage site.

Causes of cerebral palsy:

(Lesions in the brain during childbirth).

(2) such as complications of childbirth with forceps.

(3) provision of lack of oxygen to the baby at birth.

(4) damage during childbirth.

Signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy:-

Signs and symptoms may not similar in all affected infants according to the brain can be. moderate to severe injuries.

Moderate cases: 20% of children with mild disabilities.

Mild cases: 50% of the cases are children affected disability. you need help to help the ambulation capacity affected.?

En: approximately 30% of the children concerned are fully incapacited, prostrate in the bed, always has to worry about others.

Exceptional results in cerebral palsy:-

1, normal newborn reflexes.

2, clumsy movements muscles stiffness.

3, the extension of the suspension of the vertical limbs of the child.

4 lower limbs due to a burst of Scissoring adductor of the thigh muscles.

5, serious cases of the curve of the back Arch.

6, can be a partial or complete paralysis.

7, the arrest of neurodevelopment, behavior.

8, Swallowing may be difficult in some cases.

9, Drooling saliva.

Delays, mental, mild to severe.

11, normal vowels occur in some cases.

Mraidot 12, typical movements.

Vshaatpthot 13, if there is a loss of muscle tone is affected barely.

14, total or partial loss of hearing.

15, may be affected by the speech.

Visual 16 and other problems-cross-eyed you can associate.

17, epilepsy can be seen in some children.

Palsy cerebral that it was diagnosed by clinical examination detailed other similar diseases such as brain cancer, progressive atrophy ect. all investigations such as CT scan, MRI, routine investigations, is necessary to ruleout other diseases.

Management of carebral Palsy:-

General Management:

This includes staff and adequate nutrition. Medicines for symptomatic, it is necessary to reduce muscle stiffness, epilepsy. Diazepam may reduce spasticity and Athetosis.

Dantrolene sodium helps to relax the muscles skeleton.


Here are the exercises, massages, hydrotherapy, ect. Special training is provided to talk or walk, swallow an affected children also contain elements of specialized routine.


Moral and social support should be given to these children. You must send a special schools where special training by a certified team can occur. children with mental retardation, need special training. He is called disabitity, get special tools for the limbs and assisting the activities of the day.

Occupational therapy:

It is given by occupational healers. persons with disabilities are able to work correctly so that these people have their own income.


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